Bayer Aliette (Fosetyl Al 80% WP) FUNGICIDE

Aliette Fosetyl Al 80% WP

Aliette is a systemic fungicide effective against Oomcytes fungi like downy mildew diseases of grapes and damping off and Azhukal diseases of cardamom. Despite its extensive use since 1978, there is no report of resistance development in fungus. True systemic action makes application of Aliette as the best prophylactic solution for downy mildew control in grape.


As a result of its complex mode of action, there have been no confirmed cases of fungal resistance development to Aliette under practical use conditions, despite the intensive use of this active ingredient since its introduction in 1978.

Aliette is effective principally against Phycomycetes fungi of the Oomycete family, notably Phytophthora, Pythium, Bremia and Peronospora.

Aliette is a true systemic fungicide, which is rapidly absorbed by the plant root or leaves and is translocated in both upward and downward direction, particularly to the growing parts.

Rapid absorption ensures the rain fastness.

Recommended for use in integrated resistance management. available in 250gm 

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Bayer Aliette (Fosetyl Al 80% WP) FUNGICIDE

  • ₹355
  • Reward Points: 5

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