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Liv Azoto : Azotobacter Biofertilizer Nitrogen For All CropsMode of action:LivAzoto fixes the a..
Liv Phosfert - Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB)CFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of action:LivPhosfert is ..
Liv Potash - Potash Mobilising BacteriaCFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of Action:The LivPotash have microbial..
Mode of Action:The LivPotash have microbial population which helps the plant to get potassium from t..
Liv Rizo - Rhizobium BacteriaCFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of action:LivRhizo is a product of nitrogen fixi..
Nitrogrn,Phosphorus,PotassiumImprove Soil & Plant HealthMode of action:LivNPK Team is microbial ..
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