- Duration (days) : 145-160
- Plant height (cm) : 150-160
- Boll weight (gm) : 6.0-6.5
- Staple length (mm) : 29.5-30
- Ginning (%) : 37.5-38.0
- Seed Cotton Yield (qtls/ac)- Rainfed : 6-14
- Seed Cotton Yield (qtls/ac)- Irrigated : 12-20
Salient Feature
- Suitable for irrigated and rainfed cultivation.
- Tall plant type with more no. of sympodia having big boll size
- Good rejuvenation.
- Good bearing and boll retention capacity.
- Highly tolerant to leaf reddening, sucking pests and diseases.
- Good fiber qualities.
Disclaimer: We are providing you the original and authentic seeds of Branded companies only, krushikendra.com will not be liable for any performance issue.Please refer suitability of variety based on the recommendation of company/ brand
Cotton Seeds Ajeet 199 BG-2
- Sold: 32319
- Brand: Ajeet Seeds Pvt Ltd
- Model Cotton Seeds Ajeet 199 BG-2
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- ₹850
- Reward Points: 5
Tags: Cotton Seeds Ajeet 199 BG-2, Bt Cotton Seeds, Cotton seeds, Hybrid Cotton seeds, Boll guard Cotton Seeds, bt Cotton
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