Neemcake Organic

Neem cake is a Organic Fertilizer for Farms, Gardens and Lawns. Neem cake is a main product of neem seed kernel and contain natural nutrients.

Why use Neem Cake as a Fertilizer?

1. Very Cost Effective

2. Better yield than conventional Urea and Fertilizers

3. Rich source of NPK and other Micro Nutrients

4. In comparison to urea which is a nutrients collector neem cake itself contains nutrients for the plants and maintain power of soil.

Other Benefits

1. Control Nematodes and other soil pests.

2. Improve soil organic content.

3. Can be used with other fertilizers/Urea simultaneously

4. Safe for earthworms

Uses of Neem Cake

Though neem cake is a fertilizer it also acts as pesticide

Neem Cake as fertilizer

Neem Cake have adequate quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growth. Being totally botanical product it contains 100% natural NPK content and other essential micro nutrients.

Better Yield

It gives 15-25% better yield than any other fertilizer. Conventional fertilizer lack the uniformity of nutrient release that inhibit the constant growth of fruit/crop. More over Neem Cake also control nematodes and other soil borne pest that help roots to absorb nutrients in regular and optimum manner. This is the reason why now more farmers are switching over to Neem Cake for their crops.

Neem Cake as Pesticide

Insect pest control

This product also control Grain moth, lessor grain moth and red flour beetle.

Increase in Earthworm population

Places where Ozoneem Cake is used, increase in earthworm population is found.

Nutrients Percentage

 (N) Nitrogen (2.0% to 5.0%)

 (P) Phosphorus (0.5% to 1.0%)

 (K) Potassium (1.0% to 2.0%)

 (Ca) Calcium (0.5% to 3.0%)

 (Zn) Zinc (15 ppm to 60 ppm)

 (Cu) Copper (4 ppm to 20 ppm)

 (S) Sulphur (0.2% to 3.0%)

 (Mg) Magnesium (0.3% to 1.0%)

 (Fe) Iron (500 ppm to 1200 ppm)

 (Mn) Manganese (20 ppm to 60 ppm)

Method of Application

Through mixing of cake with soil and deep ploughing gives better results than its application on soil surface to fight against root-knot nematodes. This cake is effective for longer durations, because it is decomposed rather slowly & this gradually released nema-toxic substances for longer durations.


It is ideal for crops like Rice, Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Coconut, Tea Gardens, Flower Plants and Golf Grounds etc.


Neem Manure is available in 1 Kgs,  HDPE Bags. We can provide Neem Cake in any size packaging for bulk order.

Recommended Crops:

Tomato, Eggplant, Chilli, Okra, Blackgram, Chickpea, Green gram, French bean, Papaya, Betalvine, Tobacco, Davaua, Banil, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Rice, Banana, Potato, Spinach, Reddish, Wheat, Sugarcane and many more.

Use for Agriculture Purpose only

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Neemcake Organic

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