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Liv Azoto : Azotobacter Biofertilizer Nitrogen For All CropsMode of action:LivAzoto fixes the a..
Liv Phosfert - Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB)CFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of action:LivPhosfert is ..
Liv Potash - Potash Mobilising BacteriaCFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of Action:The LivPotash have microbial..
Mode of Action:The LivPotash have microbial population which helps the plant to get potassium from t..
Liv Rizo - Rhizobium BacteriaCFU 1 x 108 per mlMode of action:LivRhizo is a product of nitrogen fixi..
Nitrogrn,Phosphorus,PotassiumImprove Soil & Plant HealthMode of action:LivNPK Team is microbial ..
Dudhganga Agriculture Exhibition
The exhibition includes Indian and Foreign Companies demonstrating various uses of compost, tools, agricultural drugs, machinery, biotechnology, various agricultural sciences and modern agricultural science - for better agricultural production, information of modern technology, different varieties of renewable and non-renewable energy. The exhibition is being organized for processing industries polyhouses and agricultural tourism
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