Targa Super (Quizolofop ethyl 5% EC) systemic Herbicide

Terga Super

(Quizolofop ethyl 5% EC)

  • Targa Super is selective, systemic herbicide of Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates group.
  • Targa Super is used to control narrow leaf weeds in broad leaf crops.
  • Targa Super effectively controls the narrow leaf weeds like Echinochloa spp., Goose grass, fox tail, Cynodon (doob), Large crab grass, Saccharum sp. (kans), Hemarthria sp. (suttu), Wild sorghum, Volunteer paddy, Volunteer maize, Volunteer pearl millet, etc.
  • Targa Super is very quickly absorbed by the weeds and translocated and kill the weeds. The affected weeds are unable to regenerate.
  • Targa Super is quickly absorbed by the weeds, hence rain even one hour after spray does not affect its effectiveness.
  • Weed leaves turn purplish / red within 5-8 days after Targa Super application and within 10-15 days are completely killed.

The recommendation of Agro-chemicals is based on the researches conducted/published work by the State Agricultural Universities / ICAR Research Institutes of the country and abroad.




Time of application

Groundnut, Green gram, Black gram,
Sesamum, Jute and all other broad leaf crops and vegetables

All narrow leaf weeds
Echinochloa (Sawak),
Eleusine (Goose grass), Wild  sorghum, Cynodon (doob grass), Saccharum (kans), Johnson grass, Large crab grass, Volunteer paddy, Jowar, Pearlmillet, Maize, etc.

For annual weeds:
300-400 ml

     For perennial weeds (Kans, Doob) :
500-600 ml

*  2-3 leaf stage to flowering stage of weeds

* At any stage of the crop.

  • Never use Targa Super on paddy, wheat, sorghum, maize, barley, pearl millet, sugarcane crop.

The recommendation of Agro-chemicals is based on the researches conducted/published work by the State Agricultural Universities / ICAR Research Institutes of the country and abroad.

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Targa Super (Quizolofop ethyl 5% EC) systemic Herbicide

  • Sold: 62428
  • Model Terga Super
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹185
  • Reward Points: 5

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