AMPLIGO 150 ZC is encapsulated in tiny ZEON® capsules (ZC), Acts faster and quick results are visible, Dosage – 80 to 100 ml per acre, Excellent insecticide mixture containing Chloratranilprole (10 %)+ Lambdacyhalothrin (5%) ZC, Visibly fast acting insecticide mixture having ovi - larvicidal action too.
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Syngenta Ampligo (Chlorantraniliprole (10 %)+ Lambdacyhalothrin (5%) ZC)
- Sold: 235180
- Brand: Syngenta India
- Model Ampligo
- Availability: In Stock
- ₹745
- Reward Points: 5
Available Options
Tags: Ampligo Insecticide Syngenta, Ampligo Insecticide Syngenta, Buy Ampligo, Buy Ampligo Online, Syngenta Insecticides Online, Ampligo 250 ml, Ampligo 250 ml Online, Buy Ampligo 250 ml Online,