Fencidine-Fenverlate 20%EC
Fenvalerate 20 EC is a good contact and stomach insecticide for a wide range of pests, including those resistant to organochlorine, organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides. Species controlled include flies, fleas, bollworms, leaf eaters, caterpillars, scale and other sucking insects. Fenvalerate is an insecticide of moderate mammalian toxicity.
Fenvalerate 20 EC is a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. It control of a wide range of pests, including control of chewing, sucking and boring insects, in fruit, vines, olives, hops, nuts, vegetables, cucurbits, cotton, sunflowers, cereals, maze, sorghum, potatoes, beet, peanuts, soya beans, tobacco, sugar cane, ornamental, forestry and on non-crop land. Fenvalerate 20 EC, is used to control insects on an extensive variety of leaves and fruits and food and cotton production; also used for the control of flies and ticks in barns and stables.
Fenvalerate 20 EC has the following characteristics:
- Product Name : Fenvalerate
- Classification : Insecticide, acaricide
- Specification : Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action
- Appearance : Clear viscous yellow liquid
- Chemical Name : cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl-4-chloro-alpha- (1- methyl ethyl) benzene acetate
Fenvalerate 20 EC has no plant systemic activity but is active for a relatively long period. Re-application intervals should be based on levels of pest control attained rather than a rigid time interval. May be applied to walls or used as a slow release ear-tag formulation to control insects associated with animal husbandry.
Fenvalerate 20 EC is used to control flying and crawling insects in public areas and in animal housing and is employed as an animal octoparasiticide. Specific dosage of Fenvalerate 20 EC depends on different fields and crops.
The product offer here is 500 ml Pack , delivered to your address .
Use for Agriculture Purpose only
Fencidine Fenverlate 20%EC Insecticide
- Sold: 26554
- Brand: National Pesticides and Chemicals
- Model Fencidine-Fenverlate 20%EC
- Availability: In Stock
- ₹440
- Reward Points: 5
Tags: Fencidine-Fenverlate 20%EC, insecticide, pesticides
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